• Stories from the SPA

    We lost one of our old neighbors…

    Sam Whisler and his parents & siblings lived on SP landing (Shipley house) for a number of years. Great family!!  Such a loss. Subject:Sam Whisler This came from Clatsop Cnty, doesn’t say how he died.  So sad☹️ It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Astoria Police Officer Sam Whisler.  Officer Whisler unexpectedly passed away on July 9th, 2021, at the incredibly young age of 26.  Officer Whisler has been a member of the Astoria Police department since January 2020.  He previously served with the Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office as a search and rescue volunteer at the young age of 13 starting in 2008 and continued in search and…

  • Stories from the SPA

    RV Rental Park Sign Joke Fails.

    Driving the lower Surf Pines Road, my wife and I saw a friend who is one of Surf Pines more energetic walkers heading south. We stopped to say hi, to which she replied that she was on a mission investigating a rumor about a property owner at the south end of the lower road setting up a RV rental park on their property. We got a good laugh out of that and went down the road and observed a couple of homes that had trailers out in front. It was obvious that these trailers were family members here for the Fourth of July weekend. Subsequently we forgot about it until yesterday, when…

  • Stories from the SPA

    What does a CRANBERRY have in common with the Astoria Country Club?

    Below is an article that was recently published on the Astoria Country Club News letter written by Peter Weiss about how a good portion of the grounds for the Golf Course were obtained from a cranberry farm. What is interesting for Surf Pines, is that Josiah West was the person who started up most of the cranberry fields in our area in the late 1800’s. He actually purchased most of the land in Surf Pines as well as much of the surrounding Clatsop Plains around Surf Pines. He also was Grand Father of Paul See (whose farm is on the right as you go past the Security house on Surf Pines Lane)…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    July 9 2021 regularly scheduled Surf Pines Board Meeting Notice

    We will be having an executive meeting to discuss employee reviews from 3:30 till 4 PM so if you join early you will be placed into a waiting room till we are ready for our normal meeting. Austin Kauffman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: SPA BoD Meeting Time: Jul 9, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84476069959?pwd=aUVRaVpGQkJ4UmROcitZbzIwaGo5dz09 Meeting ID: 844 7606 9959 Passcode: 645038 One tap mobile +16699006833,,84476069959#,,,,*645038# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,84476069959#,,,,*645038# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location         +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)         +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)        …

  • Roads and Grounds

    Northwest Fire Season Starts Tuesday

    Details Published: 17 June 2021 Fire season will begin at 01:00 am in Clatsop County on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, according to the Oregon Department of Forestry.  Fire season is declared each year when conditions of fire hazard exist.  This declaration affects all lands, both public and private, in Northwest Oregon and joins most other regions of Oregon already in fire season. In conjunction with the county fire chiefs, a county-wide burn ban will be simultaneously in effect. Open debris burning will not be allowed starting June 22. Burn barrels require a burn permit, which can be obtained through the Oregon Department of Forestry or your local fire departments depending on the location…

  • Stories from the SPA

    An interesting blast from the past. Locating Lila J Colwell’s home…

    After returning from Portland, I received a phone call from a gentleman who explained that as a young lad he was taken under the protective wing of Lila Colwell a prominent Interior decorator based in Portland and had a beach home in Surf Pines. Steve was just 18 when he first came to Surf Pines with Lila and her family in the early 70s. Now 73 he was trying to capture his past. So he called Debbie Eddie our Administrator to see if Lila’s home was still in Surf Pines. Debbie referred Steve to me, since I have been collecting much of the history of SPA and the Clatsop Plains. After over…

  • Safety and Security Committee

    Proposed Short-Term Rental Moratorium – Public Town Hall Meetings

    Good afternoon, everyone. Two town hall meetings have been scheduled to obtain community input on the proposed short-term rental moratorium.  The meetings will both be held via GoTo Meeting and will be at 11AM on July 9 and at 11AM on July 16. Links to the meeting are below.  A flyer is also attached with the meeting information and links.  Please forward to all who might be interested. To register to speak at either or both town hall meetings, please call or send me an email and I will make sure you are registered.  My contact information is below. Thank you.Gail Henrikson, AICP, CFM, DirectorClatsop County Community Development800 Exchange Street, Suite 100Astoria, OR 97103 503.325.8611503.338.3666…

  • Safety and Security Committee

    Yes we are patrolling Surf Pines for interlopers…

    We got this through our Surf Pines web from an observant member of our community letting us know of suspicious activity early this morning. Turns out it was one of our neighbors joining Ken our security guy and Cameron Lewis our new head of Safety and Security patrolling our roads during the night. They started this after a couple of incidents where outside interlopers have broken into homes. Comment from our Member: Just letting you know, on Saturday (last night) around 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. a vehicle was driving slowly down Ocean Dr shining a flashlight out the drivers side window, taking a good look at our property and the neighbors to…

  • Safety and Security Committee

    Ken wanted us to post this article about the recent break-in on Ocean.

    The most recent break-in on Ocean was not to steal anything, since the owners have not found anything missing. The owners found the purpatrators had been living in their home for a few weeks. They have not had anyone at their property since March and it appears the people who violated this home had been sleeping and using the bathroom facilities. There are several who describe this as squatting but Ken believes they might be more like a group now called Phroggers. These are people who move into a home whether occupied or not and hide there for a place to stay. Especially in areas like ours where there are numerous homes…