Meeting info and Ken's vacation
Board Of Directors

Information about Annual Meeting and Election

July 29, 2021

Dear Fellow Homeowners,

We’ve had explanatory online meetings about the 2021/2022 budget and Amending the Articles of Incorporations.  Both were recorded and both the recordings and the actual documents are located at Annual Meeting Event Agenda Packet Link (you have to be registered as a SPA member to view).

I urge everyone to vote.  Either mail your ballot via USPS to Surf Pines in the provided envelope or place the envelope in the secure mailbox in front of Ken’s house.  Please remember to either put your lot number or name on the back of the envelope.  Originally, I said we would have an outside person, as we did last year, supervise the counting of ballots.  I was not able to find someone.  Therefore, we will be using four Surf Pines’ volunteers.  We also don’t need to incur this expense. 

Remember, ballots must be received prior to 9:00 AM August 7, 2021.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


John Yerke

President BOD