Safety and Security Committee

Why the South Gates are down and a small web glitch.

If you noticed both the entrance and exit gates have been knocked down earlier this week. This was a result of the wind not a car blasting though. On October 24 Sunday the entrance gate was blown down at 4:08 PM and on Tuesday October 26 the exit gate was knocked down at about 9 AM. Normally when the winds get to a certain speed and gusts, Ken will open the gates till the storm has ended. This has been the case even before the new gates.

Even though the gates were left open the winds came from the South South East instead of our normal South West during bad storms. This intensified the force of the gusts and both gates were bouncing much more than we normally experience. In fact it was so intense that all of the south facing screens at Ken’s house were blown out.

As you all know Ken is recuperating from his surgery but our own Doug Iverson has been on top of the issue and checked out the gate computers and made sure no damage. So if you see him and Oran walking be sure to thank him for his tireless help. As soon as the winds subside later today they will reconnect the South Gates and have them working again.

Once Ken is back up to full strength we will re-evaluate how to protect the gates from this unusual wind pattern. Thank you for your patience.


On another note, if you have run across a error code when you log into the web saying “that you have no access to this page” when you log into the members only section.

About a week or so MuniCode our web provider added a log in enhancement that works well for most municipalities but not for an association. You actually did have full access but the new enhancement automatically directed all members to the editing Dash Board. However, only staff have access to editing the web. So, as a result, regular Surf Pines Members got this error because obviously we do not want to give editing access to the web to everyone. We contacted their support line and this issue is now fixed and you can log in as before.