The German Shepard that attacked and killed Iverson’s little dog Roscoe is back.
Vicky Tarbert-Iverson
13 mins · Just a heads up. I wanted to alert the neighborhood to the fact that the German Shepard that attacked our Lil’ Rosco in July is in the neighborhood once again at 89727 Sea Breeze Dr. The fence to this residence (located on the Manion Drive side) was damaged by windstorm and has a large piece missing (mesh netting stapled to close the opening) so the German Shepard has access out of the yard. The dog in question viciously lunged the opening as my husband was walking by this morning with our new little family member. PLEASE, be cautious when out walking on your own, with your pets or when small children are with you. I called Animal Control and they stated that they cannot act until the dog leaves the property. In my estimation this is far too late, as there will be another injury to pet or human.