Instructions and training for SPA Social Media

Questions on how to Vote using our Secret Vote Vendor

Question/Comment: We can use our user name and password to contact  you and connect to Surf Pines Home Page but we cannot vote.  HELP!

Answer From Tom Smith SPA Secretary BOD: Thank you for your inquiry. Go to top of the e-mail from The Inspectors of Election (TIE), who has been retained by the SPA’s Board of Directors (BOD) to confidentially manage SPA’s vote. 

All documents are available on this voting site, you just received, just below the date. There is your user name and password. This is a private third party managed vote done by the inspectors of election.

So instead of going to our web you go to theirs (just like you do for stocks and other online voting). Their web site is If you have any further questions please let me know. T  

Tom Smith
Secretary of Surfpines Association