• Stories from the SPA

    Our secret weapon to get stuff done.

    A little over a year and half ago Art and Kay our neighbors introduced us to Ravi Croak. He lives a couple of doors north of the Bakery and had been the helper for the resident who lived there. Although an experienced carpenter and handy person he had been dealt a couple of curves in his life. Art had Ravi doing some jobs for him and let most of us on Shady Pine’s know about him. Although a bit gruff sounding, we quickly found him to be a real help in getting projects done around the Sunset Beach/Surfpines area. He is the hardest worker and honest. Since then he has built at…

  • Stories from the SPA

    The wreck of the Galena in our back yard.

    Here is some interesting History for Surf Pines. The Krohn’s house at the west end of Horizon and the two homes on either side have something in their back yard! Turns out that the Bark Galena, a ship that ran aground on November 11, 1906, is actually laying in the back yard of all three neighbors. This is based on some old tax maps I found. The reason it seems so far up the dunes is do to the fact that in 1906 the beach actually came up close to where the homes are now. The beach has credited over 1000 feet in the last 70 years. This is mostly a result…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting of the Surf Pines Association .

    March 19, 2021 4 PM Our regularly scheduled meeting will be run remotely at 4 PM on Friday  Austin Kauffman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. To attend please remember to either list your name online or announce your name if just audio. We need this for list of attendees and confirm that you are an authorized member.  Topic: Board of Directors Regular meetingTime: Mar 19, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/93792819263?pwd=czlET3VkZW1xSmRJWkRWMzhWb2xPdz09 Meeting ID: 937 9281 9263Passcode: 606555One tap mobile+13462487799,,93792819263#,,,,606555# US (Houston) +16699006833,,93792819263#,,,,606555# US (San Jose) Dial by your location+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1…

  • Roads and Grounds

    Roads & Grounds Committee Meeting, 3/12/21 3:00 PM

    The Roads & Grounds Committee will meet at 3:00 PM on Friday, 3/12. We will be using Free Conference Call for the Meeting. Here are the meeting details:Subject: Roads & Grounds Committee MeetingDate and Time: 3:00 PM PacificDial-in number (US): (617) 829-6820 Access Code: 639834#Online meeting ID: surfpineshoaJoin the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/surfpineshoa

  • Safety and Security Committee

    North gate damage and the bad accident on 101 yesterday.

    Ken,Thank you and Shawna for your extra efforts yesterday on managing the traffic that was trying to get around the horrific accident yesterday and having our north gate down. I have received several thank you from other members and I thought I would share some of those those with you and our Board/Committees that do not monitor our social media. This is what community is all about, supporting each other.  On Mar 7, 2021, at 9:23 AM, Ken Weist <kwgiants@gmail.com> wrote: On Sunday March 6th at approximately 10:07 am the north gate was hit by an individual ( male) traveling with a resident of surf pines. The gate arm was severely damaged…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    The Document Normalization Vote does not take any new property rights away from members.

    We are now over 87% of total votes and only need 11 more votes to hit 90%. We have been told that is enough votes to reach a consensus. Please there are still 52 members who have not voted. So, place your vote so we can bring this vote to a close. Some have said that these rules affect Short Term Rentals this is not correct. This document normalization does not have any restrictions for STRs. The county has implemented their own enforcement people and SPA supports the county. What rules in CCR vote impact property rights There are a couple of members who have said the Guiding Document Normalization vote is…

  • Roads and Grounds

    Roads & Grounds Committee Meeting, 2/12/21 3:00 PM

    The Roads & Grounds Committee will meet at 3:00 PM on Friday, 2/12. We will be using Free Conference Call for the Meeting. Here are the meeting details:Subject: Roads & Grounds Committee MeetingDate and Time: 3:00 PM PacificDial-in number (US): (617) 829-6820Online meeting ID: surfpineshoaJoin the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/surfpineshoa