Attendees: Katie Weber, Bonnie Rogie, Robin Rhodes, Nancy Kroger, Cecilia Mushinskie. Absent: Norma Keever, Tom Smith, Beth Hunter. Octoberfest 2019 –Surf Pines 2019 Octoberfest was held October 11 at Camp Kiwanilong. Total attendees (that signed in) were 53, which was an increase over 2018. Total dollars spent on the event, which included food, decorations, supplies and venue rental were $431.01. The event was a huge success. The event provided an opportunity for Surf Pines residents and their guests to come together and meet each other and/or catch up. The food, once again, was outstanding and the committee received positive feedback about the event itself, the food, and the location. The 2020 Octoberfest is…
Presentation of Municode as the Best Option to Update our Web Site
November 24, 2019 by Munchkins(Edit) Here is a PDF of the presentation that was made to the Board recommending using Municode as our provider to update and fix our current web site at Surfpines.org. Click Here to View the Presentation.
November 15, 2019 Draft Minutes for Surf Pines Board
Attached are the Draft minutes of our Board of Directors Meeting held on November 15, 2019. November 24, 2019 by Munchkins(Edit) Click Here to view Draft Minutes Key items: Approved changing Articles to cast one vote per lot. Approved by a majority of members with 71.5% of 176 votes approving. Change distribution of Breeze to online to save money and provide an eight page colored version of the Breeze. Approved that we standardize our Surf Pines communication forms to allow more interactivity. Review normalization of guiding documents to ensure that new documents are consistent with our current By Laws and Articles with no new requirements. Approved adoption of Municode (same system used by City…