Safety and Security Committee

Yes we are patrolling Surf Pines for interlopers…

We got this through our Surf Pines web from an observant member of our community letting us know of suspicious activity early this morning. Turns out it was one of our neighbors joining Ken our security guy and Cameron Lewis our new head of Safety and Security patrolling our roads during the night. They started this after a couple of incidents where outside interlopers have broken into homes.

Comment from our Member: Just letting you know, on Saturday (last night) around 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. a vehicle was driving slowly down Ocean Dr shining a flashlight out the drivers side window, taking a good look at our property and the neighbors to either side. Could have been just looking for a dog or something but it was a bit odd. It was pretty dark but it seemed to possibly be red or maroon. It was one of those small square van things that is not quite a mini-van and not quite an SUV but somewhere in between. I was in bed so couldn’t get a better view of the vehicle.

Our Response: Thank you for being so observant. To put you at rest, that is one of our members doing security surveillance. From your excellent description, I believe I know who you spotted. Ken Weist our Security person and Cameron Lewis, our head of the security and safety committee and several neighbors have volunteered to do rounds at night till we chase off these interlopers that have been targeting a couple of homes on Ocean. 

So to all who think they can come into our community and break our peace, we are looking for you and suggest you go somewhere else.