Breeze SP Newsletter

Our quarterly newsletter.

  • Breeze SP Newsletter

    New Editor for the Breeze

    Clare looks forward to receiving interesting, informative and enjoyable contributions to upcoming issues of The Breeze. She is particularly interested in new contributors. Please email her at: If anyone has items they would like considered for the July issue please e-mail them to Clare by Monday June 15th. In addition, if you have ideas for The Breeze, Clare would love to get to know the community and listen to your ideas or thoughts for the Surf Pines Breeze. To get to know Clare here is her Biography:

  • Breeze SP Newsletter

    Winter 2020 Breeze

    This will be the last paper issue of The Breeze. But, have no fear! We have made it easy for you to still receive The Breeze in one of several digital ways. 1. We will be sending an email blast out every quarter to provide you with a link to The Breeze so make sure your email is up to date! 2. You can always find the latest newsletter by going to 3. A copy of The Breeze will be provided on our Facebook page. Join our Facebook group now. The link to our Facebook page is: www.facebook/groups/surfpines 4. We will also leave a few printed copies in a brochure box located…