• Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    Extension of Deadline for CCR and Bylaw Voting.

    August 7, 2020 Fellow Homeowners, Last night, the Board of Directors met in a special meeting and approved extending the voting for acceptance of new CCR’s and Bylaws to November 16, 2020 at 5:00 PM local time. Just under 29% of the members have yet to vote.  As president, I will continue to ask the BOD to extend the vote until we have a clear consensus on approval or rejection of these documents.  At the beginning of this process, I was told by those knowledgeable of it that it may take a year.  I am optimistic that we can have an outcome before the end of 2020.   Based on recent comments that suggest confusion about what is in our…

  • Community Relations Committee
    Community Relations Committee

    Question of the day? Octoberfest or not…

    To all members of Surf Pines Association: We (Community Relations Committee CRC) have spoken to Camp Kawanalong about events for 2020. No events are scheduled now. However they may decide to open the camp later with requirements. We will contact them again in August. Given that our Octoberfest food is provided by the CRC, and there may be limits to guest numbers. We wanted to ask our members about having it, or cancelling. Our other question is if our members would feel comfortable sharing space and food with a large group? So please share your thoughts on our social media sites or e-mail Katie Weber, who is coordinating what the membership would like.…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    Update on damage to North Gate…

    The police has all of the information on the car. The deputy responding is back to work today (Monday 9 June). Originally, he said we would know something by the end of the week. Ken will follow up today. It was a white 4 Runner or Land Cruise with a heavy grill on the front. One of the deputies said he had recognized the car from Warrenton. On Friday, June 5, a white SUV drove through the north entry gate striking and tearing off the arm. At this time, we do not believe the car belonged to a resident or guest of Surf Pines. The incident was captured on our video system…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    Notice about damaged North Gate

    On Friday, June 5, a white SUV drove through the north entry gate striking and tearing off the arm.  At this time, we do not believe the car belonged to a resident or guest of Surf Pines.  The incident was captured on our video system and has been provided to the sheriff’s office, which is investigating.  We have every reason to believe full restitution will be made.   In the past when a gate was damaged or failed, we have left it open.  That is what we are doing this time.  In retrospect, we could have notified all resident, barricaded the entry and temporarily forced everyone through the South gate.  In the…

  • Meeting info and Ken's vacation
    Board Of Directors

    Questions on Vote Extension

    We as a Board have received some questions about the extension of the vote, specifically whether the vote can be extended when conducting the vote by secret ballot. We have consulted with the Association’s legal counsel, who informed us that the Oregon Planned Community Act expressly allows the Board to extend the vote even when voting by secret ballot. Because there are a large number of members in Surf Pines, it presents a challenge in getting a full voter turnout. Our goal is to give members ample opportunity to vote, and we have therefore decided as a Board to extend the voting deadline in accordance with Oregon law. No ballots will be…

  • Safety and Security Committee

    Follow up on our Dogs and Cats in Surf Pines and other critters.

    There was some confusion the other day when we posted a picture of a cute ginger colored cat sliding around houses on the North Ocean part of Surf Pines. So last night they had two visitors: At 1:00am the tabby cat https://ring.com/share/6829532200116145235 at 4:00am the bobcat. https://ring.com/share/6829631800407739475 With the number of sitings of Coyotes and Bob Cats, our neighbor wants all to be careful about letting your pets out to roam at night. That is why they included another video of the orange cat and a couple of hours later a bob cat taken from the same camera. Be safe out there and consider keeping your pets indoors at night.

  • Breeze SP Newsletter

    New Editor for the Breeze

    Clare looks forward to receiving interesting, informative and enjoyable contributions to upcoming issues of The Breeze. She is particularly interested in new contributors. Please email her at: clare@olivinolife.com. If anyone has items they would like considered for the July issue please e-mail them to Clare by Monday June 15th. In addition, if you have ideas for The Breeze, Clare would love to get to know the community and listen to your ideas or thoughts for the Surf Pines Breeze. To get to know Clare here is her Biography: